I am sincerely glad that everyone who reads this doesn't have all the answers. Those who don't will continue to try new attempts, set new goals and reach beyond where they are. They will react to change and look at things in different ways.
I once worked on the island of Jamaica. It is a lovely and lush tropical place to visit, but a tough
place to conduct business. One key reason is that the national model is "No Problem," which is supposed to mean it will be handled with a casual ease. Yet, many Jamaicans take this to mean that there is always tomorrow, and if we can't solve it now ... we can try to solve it then. As a result of working withthat mindset, I have always quipped, "With no problems, come no solutions." Think about that ... how many processes, inventions and solutions in our lives came about as a solution to a problem.
Right now, there are people who would look upon the problems and issues which you face as answers to a prayer. Be glad you don't have all the answers, but keep working towards finding many of them.