Speaker/Trainer/Seminar Leader

Dean La Douceur brings impactful messages and inspirational stories to your group, conference, seminar or special event. All presentations, including content and training handouts,  are customized to meet the objectives of each group.

MARKETHACKING -  Using today's leading edge technological solutions to create greater awareness, enagement, and sales. Don't be left behind as emerging entrepreneurs and start-ups use digital marketing tools and techniques.  Learn about what steps you can take to talk to decision makers who want your products or services right now!

CHANNEL YOUR CREATIVITY -  How to be more creative and authentic.  Listen to your inner guidance and produce more successful outcomes.

BUSINESS NETWORKING MISTAKES (And How To Fix Them)  - As host of a monthly networking event, Dean has seen many people attempt to network for business and watched as many of them were less than successful.  Learn tools, tips and techniques on how to convert your interactions into actions.

PROSPEROUS ARTISTS -  How to combine business and creativity for successful outcomes. Based upon the 145 episodes of the podcast with Rosh Sillars, Dean shares how to take your passion for areas such as writing, photography, design, music and prosper from it.

STAYING SANE AS AN ENTREPRENEUR - How to start or grow your entrepreneur based business, stay on budget, achieve your goals, fulfill orders, and still keep your passion alive.

HOW TO GIVE/GET AWESOME CUSTOMER SERVICE -  Everyone knows the difference between good and poor customer service, but do you know how to implement this program in your workplace?  Dean trains the trainer on the five keys to ensuring you have delighted customers, created and environment for referrals and have staff exciting about working with customers.

SHOULD YOUR COMPANY HAVE A SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY?  -  How to make sure employees use social media as a positive voice, not a negative place.  Dean demonstrates how to create a culture where today's social media platforms enhance your reputation, not diminish it.