Vouchers for RTP Services are an outstanding way to achieve your marketing and communications goals and lock in a budget pleasing price.
With one of our vouchers:
- You pre-purchase amounts of time in five hour increments.
- You purchase them at a discounted rate - Only $50 per hour, instead of $68 an hour based upon our traditional bill rate.
- You can budget them for the services and projects you need.
- You receive all the time and attention as regular clients.
- Each voucher is good for 12 months from date of purchase, with one three month extension if working on a current project.
Possible Solutions
WRITING COACH - Drawing forth your best ideas and helping you put them on paper!
PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Design, focus and manage writing projects including books, training modules, campaigns and
EDITING: Objective views of content and continuity. Proofing for correct content.
RETAINED WRITING SERVICES: Some call this 'ghost writing,' but I ain't afraid of no ghosts.
NEWS AND SECTOR SPECIFIC PRESS RELEASES: Writing, Distribution and Media Contact.
EXPANDED MEDIA MATERIALS: Creating Press Kits, Media Portfolios and Query Letters to Editors/Producers/Gatekeepers.
TRADITIONAL COPY WRITING: Direct Mail Pieces, Postcards, Print Newsletters and PowerPoint Presentations.
SOCIAL MEDIA COPY WRITING: Blogging, Posting, Tweeting, Web Site Content, Search Engine Optimization.
CUSTOM WRITING: Sales and Business Letters, Policy and Procedure Manuals, Employee Handbooks, Technical Writing, Writing In Collaboration, Writing For Publication, Biographies.
COLLABORATION: Retained collaboration on the above areas, marketing and communications consulting, custom research projects.
ON SITE REPRESENTATIVE: Media Liaison, Emcee/Host, Spokesperson or Special Event Coverage Contact.
PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Production assistance from concept through output.
STRATEGIC PLANNING: Assistance developing and implementing your marketing, media communications strategy.
CRISIS COMMUNICATIONS: Who to call, after your lawyer, when 60 Minutes is at your door.
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